Stories about digital rehabilitation:

articles, press & interviews

Maximilian von Waldenfels, co-founder of Caspar Health, dives into the future of healthcare and discusses how AI, data, and personalized therapy  programs are shaping the industry.

Interview: From Vineyards to Virtual Clinics

How Caspar Health is Scaling Personalized Care with AI and Data

Interview: How Caspar Health improves information security and data privacy through the ISMS certification

The ISMS team around Abhilash Thobias with Christian Otto, Elisabeth Hegele, Max von Waldenfels, Nadiia Kotelnikova, Cordula Siepmann and Konstantin Dubiel, as well as Britta Robens and Sebastian Knapp (the two inserted in the picture greeting from remote) is excited about the certification.

Caspar Health at the 32nd Rehabilitation Colloquium

“Promoting a culture of change – strengthening inclusion – shaping the future.”

Life with Long COVID: “This could have happened to me, too.”

The Caspar Clinic’s treatment concept explained with three patient stories

5 tips for a stronger pelvic floor — for women, for men, for everyone!

An interview with Caspar Clinic therapists Nina Lutter & Ticiana Henckel

The power in the middle: 7 questions about the “powerhouse” and why a tight waistband can help you find a stable center

Trees grow from their center, the centrifugal force has its origin in the center. And, in humans, the center is also essential for all of our movements, posture, and general stability.

Long COVID support with digital therapy and Caspar Health

A new concept for partner clinics to help patients and rehab facilities

How speech therapy (and a strong craving for apple pie) helps patients learn to speak and swallow more effectively

Many of us don't realize just how perfectly nature has equipped us to speak to one another until we encounter problems doing so. Indeed, accidents or neurological impairments can make both speaking and swallowing difficult.

Lighthouse digitization project: Caspar Clinic gets certified as a digital center for prevention, rehabilitation, and aftercare

Caspar Health’s virtual clinic has officially met all the requirements of DIN ISO 9001, according to DEGEMED.

Pain and the psyche: 4 myths about chronic pain and the truth behind them

Many rehabilitation patients suffer from chronic pain, whether it’s from an accident, illness, or an illness with no clear diagnosis. This kind of pain doesn’t always have a physical cause, as the psyche plays a role that cannot be underestimated.

Caspar Clinic therapist André Jentsch on 7 nutrition “aha moments”

In recent years, nutritional counseling has become a vital part of rehabilitation, despite the fact that some rehab clinics don’t serve the most nutritious food.

The digIRENA in the fast lane: Encouraging preliminary study results

Following a presentation at the Hauptstadtkongress on June 23rd, 2022, one thing is certainly clear: the preliminary results of a large-scale study on digitally intensified rehabilitation aftercare (digIRENA) are a cause for celebration.

A perfect match: Tele-rehabilitation as an optimal treatment for post/long-COVID patients

Although we appear to be entering a more relaxed phase of the pandemic, and the case numbers stand to sink before summer, many are still suffering from long-term effects following a COVID-19 infection.

A special look back (and forward) at nearly seven years of Caspar Health

Co-founder Benjamin Pochhammer discusses the unexpected challenges and highlights – both internally and externally – of Caspar Health, as well as his future plans outside of the company.

Highlights 2021 and goals 2022: Telerehabilitation aftercare is recognized as standard care 

2021 was a great, eventful and successful year. We built a strong foundation and could celebrate a huge milestone right at the beginning of this year: As of January 1, 2022, our multimodal telerehabilitation aftercare is approved permanently by the DRV (German pension fund). This makes digital aftercare a standard in the German rehabilitation market!

Berlin-based e-health company achieves breakthrough in German rehab market

"The DRV's acceptance into the permanent standard care is a future-oriented and motivating confirmation of our work on digital rehabilitation solutions, which consistently focus on patients and their sustainable rehabilitation success."

MedTech PulseCheck

MedTech Pulse interviewed our Co-Founder Benjamin Pochhammer for this week's issue. It covered topics like future trends in medicine, how he explains his job to a 5-year-old child, and why working in healthcare is so appealing.

Meet the new Casparians!

Our team at Caspar Health is currently growing very fast. In this article you can meet some of our new Casparians. They introduce themselves and talk about their onboarding experience.

Celebrating 5 Years of Caspar Health

Caspar Health is five years old! Hip hip hooray!
To honour the occasion, we’re looking back at highlights from the last five years. So settle in and enjoy a trip down memory lane!

Caspar Health in the startup ticker of Gründerszene

In the startup ticker of Gründerszene, the industry learns everything you need to know about startups and how the market is currently developing. Caspar Health's financing round of nine million euros is also included in the top news.

Caspar Health raises 9 million euros investment

kma online reports about the latest investment. "The strong vision, above-average growth and effectiveness of Caspar Health's digital rehab programs were the key factors that convinced Frog Capital, the lead investor in this latest round of financing." reports on our latest funding round

Berlin-based digital healthtech startup Caspar Health has raised €9 million, further ensuring patients have access to rehabilitation treatment at any time. The startup has grown by over 300 % in the past two years, with over 160 hospitals in Germany employing Caspar’s offer.

New partnership between Caspar Health and Waldburg-Zeil Klinken

"Continue training online after rehab" is the solution for patients of the Waldburgburg-Zeil Clinics. The Caspar Health platform is used for this purpose in nine clinics. Managing Director Ellio Schneider explains the reasons for the decision in the article.

Caspar Health is introduced at Bad Brambach clinic as the future solution

Therapy manager Marén Schiller is confident: almost everyone who is eligible for tele-rehab aftercare also makes use of it. This will also include older people. In the article, the “Neue Presse” reports on how the system is being implemented at the clinic and what problems it solves.

Max Michels in an interview for Brainwave's Rehab Special.

What exactly is tele-rehab? These and other questions are answered in the interview. In addition, a market classification provides an overview of the relevant German companies also some international pioneers in the field of digital rehabilitation.

Mann hört Musik und hat Spaß

Getting to grips with stress – Three tips for actively managing breaks

How short breaks can help us reduce stress in everyday life

Mann schläft entspannt

A good night’s sleep is the secret to good health

Without giving it much thought, we lie down in bed every night and sleep. This is primarily important for our health.

DRV acceptes digital aftercare with Caspar Health

Caspar Health received the acceptance of tele-rehab aftercare from the German Pension Fund. Rehanews24 reports about  why medical facilities can now more easily provide digital aftercare to their patients.

Zehn Frauen in einem Videomeeting

International Women's Day: The stories of Caspar's female employees

For International Women's Day 2021, we have come up with something very special and personal. Get to know our Power Women.

Caspar Health is now a member of DEGEMED

The German Association for Medical Rehabilitation represents the interests of service providers in inpatient and outpatient medical rehabilitation. Now Caspar Health is the first member with e-health expertise in the DEGEMED's circle of members.

Deprimierte Frau

Taking the Anxiety Monster by the hand – An expert interview

Our psychologist explains why the feeling of anxiety is totally normal and even important, and why our inner anxiety monster can actually be quite cute.

Beyond Crisis: Caspar Health supports clinics during pandemic

This “Land of Health” feature is about eight Corona Crisis-era ideas to advance health. Find out how and why Caspar Health fits a boxes in the article.


Digital transformation and the healthcare market at “warp speed”

The pandemic has changed things at Caspar Health as well. Our Casparians tell us how they experienced the past year and what they expect for the future.

Max Michels in the Digi Health Talk

Max Michels joined Jochen A. Werner on “Digi Health Talk” to talk about digital therapy. He explains about how the idea for Caspar Health and why patient motivation is particularly important. You can see the full conversation in the video.

Digitalization is a top priority at Paracelsus Clinics.

With digital tools, the Paracelsus Clinics want to make the treatment and care of patients better, faster and more comfortable. The clinic is very positive about teletherapy: "After our first experiences, the patients are highly motivated and the training successes are sustainably good."

Training for future physiotherapists

Our Head of Customer Success, Michael Müller, was a guest at the vocational school for physiotherapy in Rotthalmünster. Under the motto "This is how digital therapy works", he explained the possibilities of a digital therapy platform to the prospective therapists in theory and practice. There was also a certificate.

Caspar Health at Deep Dive Health Tech Podcast

In episode #6 of the digital kompakt podcast, Caspar founder Max Michels talks with Patrick Pfeffer about the purpose and benefits of digital media in rehab and his experience developing the Caspar platform. Listen in.

Strong growth for Caspar Health

In just 2 years, Caspar Health has become the market leader in tele-aftercare. Founder Max Michels is particularly pleased: "Caspar has gone from a development product to an integral part of medical aftercare in just two years." More details in the article.

The new "Passauer Wolf aktiv" app goes live

The new therapy app "Passauer Wolf aktiv" digitally complements the classic rehab measures at Die City-Reha-Ingolstadt. Rehanews24 reports why Dr. med. Michael Grubwinkler, Medical Director of Passauer Wolf Ingolstadt, thinks the app is a useful addition.

Patientin vor dem Caspar Bildschirm

Living with the pandemic: Eight lessons for our health

The coronavirus has turned the world upside down. But it also taught us a few things about our health.

Caspar Health among Top Berlin startups in a post-Corona world

Sifted, backed by the Financial Times, came up with a list of Berlin's top startups, which are most likely to thrive in the post-Corona world. The potential Winners Startups benefit from trends like the rise of digital doctors, working from home and online learning. Caspar Health is one of them.

Sana Kliniken Sommerfeld offer an app for follow-up care

For patients who, for various reasons, are unable to participate in traditional aftercare following a rehab stay, the Sommerfeld Sana Clinics have recently launched an app. The clinic explains how the app works in the MOZ article.

These e-health companies are offering their services for free right now

As a result of the Corona crisis, Germany is experiencing a digitalization boost in the healthcare sector as well. E-health solutions can actively support the containment of the corona virus, which is why many companies are offering their services for free. Caspar Health is also providing support.

How online therapy is making rehab safe in the corona crisis

Rehanews24 reports: Caspar Health and MEDIAN Hospital Group are accelerating their collaboration to use the digital therapy platform to keep patients safe and better protect healthcare professionals from the Covid-19 virus.

Women in Tech

Caspar at European Women in Tech 2019

Beatriz attended the European Women in Tech conference on behalf of Caspar.

Caspar Health snaps up €5.3 million to offer patients care

“The combination of digital know-how and medical expertise at Caspar Health is extremely convincing for us. The business model works. Caspar Health enables nationwide coverage, which generates extreme added value for payers and clinic operators”, says investor Ananda Impact Ventures.

Caspar auf Konferenz

Caspar Health at the Data Natives Conference 2019

Ivana and Beatriz attended the Data Natives Conference 2019 on behalf of Caspar.

Berlin Startups

Berlin is the hotspot of the startup scene in Germany

With our office in Berlin Mitte, we feel right at home. We are reporting on the hip environment with numerous IT talents and founders.


“My work should make a difference”

Interview with Beatriz Crespo, Gennady Berezovsky, Bryan Costa, and founder and COO of Caspar Health, Benjamin Pochhammer.

Home & Smart: Caspar Health enables digitized rehabilitation.

The Corona Crisis is driving much of the digitization in healthcare. Home & Smart reports about why Caspar Health's solution is right on target during the current pandemic and the benefits it brings to clinics and patients.

97% rates tele-aftercare with Caspar positively

With almost 900 patients participating, a study by the German Pension Fund confirmed the effectiveness of Caspar Health. It showed that digital and classic aftercare are at least equivalent. The exact results are reported by rehanews24 in the article.

Zukunft Jetzt reports about the "rehab aftercare of the future".

In a catchy article, the magazine of the DRV presents the areas of application of the Caspar platform. Detlef Schmidt explains: "For all these people, we want to have an alternative offer. Insured persons can use the app to complete their aftercare at home or on the road with complete flexibility in terms of time."